Reasons Your Business Should Be Writing A Blog

Jun 24, 2020 | Business, Marketing

social media marketing northern virginia

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Connecting with customers is crucial to any business these days. With so many options, customers want to feel heard and want their purchases to improve their quality of life. Blogs can be a relevant and fun communication channel between your business and customers. There are dozens of reasons why a blog could help your business, but here are four of the most important:

1. Blogs boost SEO

Search Engine Optimization is absolutely essential in order to have a relevant web presence. How will customers do business with you if they can’t find you? Boosting SEO can be difficult but having a blog that identifies your business through non-commercial writing can be an easy and effective way to attract customers that otherwise might not have found you online. Blogs also have the ability to attract customers who didn’t even know they were looking to make a purchase, a potentially valuable untapped market.

2. Blogs give your company a voice

With so much market saturation customers are looking for something unique. Not only do they want the best value for their money, but they look for companies whose visions and values are parallel to their own. Blogs can be a great way to give your company a relatable and friendly voice, one that communicates on a personal level but is also a trustworthy expert in your industry field.

By giving your company a voice, you can personify your business values while providing the background and history of your company in a warm and approachable way. It’s easier to trust an individual with a voice than a faceless corporation. You can use your business blogs as a way to personally communicate with a mass group of individuals.

3. Blogs encourage conversation

Both business and the internet are about connection. Blogs give you the opportunity to start a conversation with your audience. Your blogs can spark discussions and comments, and you, as a business, have the chance to respond and interact with individuals who are interested in your industry or blog topics. Leaving your blog topics open in their content can help draw in a more eclectic group of individuals who will now be exposed to your business.

Always try to respond to comments or questions on your blog in a timely manner!

4. Blogging gives you insight into your demographic

Even if you’re on social media, blogging will become the heart of your accounts, central to your online presence. Posting links to your blogs, and posting links to your social media on your blogs can help cultivate a clientele that responds to your company’s values. Blogs also allow you to track readers, click-throughs, popular shares, comments, and topics. All this information can give you insight into what your readers are interested in and what keeps them coming back!

Interested in starting a blog to help boost your business? Contact us for more information and blogging strategies.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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